Friday, February 19, 2010

Fresh Meat Frustration...NAH!

OK so yeah I'm still FreshMeat, its been 8 months, but WHATEVER! If I'm honest about what's up then it all boils down to my fear level. I gotta get over it STAT!

I have skills they are getting better. I will be a great team mate. And when the time is right my heart and mind will click and I will move on. For now I just gotta learn to trust in myself and become the Zen girl that I know lives in here!

Long Live the Kitty!


  1. Yes, you'll be a great teammate. You already are. Just remember we all fall and the important thing is to get right back up quick as a flash and go again. All your practice time will pay off and you will eventually feel confidant and the more you try and do, the less your fear will hold you captive.

  2. You'll definitely be a great teammate! Just in the short amount of time you and I got to train together, you really stepped up for the league I know you did a lot for people's spirits. And you improved SO MUCH in such a short time.

    Now...if I you could only help me work some magic so that *I* can make it back one of these days, I'd be the happiest camper ever :)

    Maybe we can work out sometime if you ever have any free time. My doc told me I need to walk briskly for one hour every single day. But I'm willing to do different types of workouts, too.

    And yay, I can put this blog in my Google Reader, too!

  3. You already define the word: teammate
